Pokemon Run – Pokemon Festival Indonesia 2022

Disclaimer: I’m not an OG Pokemon fan :p Pokemon Run is part of Pokemon Festival Indonesia 2022 event. It held on December 11th, 2022. The venue was in PIK. It’s actually not taking much time (approx 30 minutes) via JORR from my home, but you know.. going to PIK somehow need to have super duper... Continue Reading →

Hobonichi Lineup 2022 | Wishlist

Finally it’s the day of Hobonichi Lineup 2022 anouncement. And i never expect that i’m having so many favourites!!! i only plan for Animal Crossing New Horizon cover =)) now, looking at the lineup here’s my wishlist (i’m going to put only the item name and its link) : Animal Crossing / New Horizons A6... Continue Reading →

Curug Cilember | Weekend Getaway

post ini ditulis untuk mengingat perjalanan bulan lalu yang menyenangkan. perjalanan ke Curug Cilember :D salah satu opsi destinasi weekend getaway from Jakarta. perjalanan yang berawal dari iseng2 mencari lokasi “bermain” yang beda =)) dan sekalian karena pengen banget ngeliat yang hijau hijau gitu, juga pengen jalan-jalan yang beneran jalan. akhirnya diberikanlah gw beberapa pilihan... Continue Reading →

Hobonichi 2021 | Haul

it's my first Hobonichi and also my first time purchasing the items online through its website. it started because the hype on journaling community in youtube lol. and i could not resist to buy it myself the Hobonichi Lineup 2021. i guessed it's worth the hype because the range was so.. cute. haha unfortunately i... Continue Reading →

kikki.K Haul | September 2020 Sale

it's been a long time i didn't purchase stationery from kikki.K online. the last time before this purchase was in 2016 :) i posted my story here. within this 2020 purchase, i could spot some differences on the payment process, courier, and packaging. well.. let's go to my purchase story! why kikki.K? and why now?i... Continue Reading →

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