Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Island Tour | Sorashima

i wanna bring you roaming around my island in Animal Crossing: New Horizons :) i’m playing ACNH for 600hrs and this is how my island looks like. well, it’s just the normal island despite the playing hours lol. we’re living in Northern Hemisphere so this time around is Summer so the sunlight quite bright here :)

our tour starts from the airport! once again.. welcome! we have the airport with green color. i believe it represents something on my nooks miles items :) but i was not sure the reason behind the airport color i got. maybe from the answer i gave on the initial stage when we got the getaway package (?) anyway.. i didn’t know that the color varies back then.. so for me it’s no biggies that i got whatever color :p

then we move on to the entrance! come! i don’t really have specific theme for the island but this idea to put it natural-like just came up spontaneously without me planned for it. i love how the crescent moon seems like greet me every time i flew back home from another island. especially during the night :)

short story about the item we have here, that time i decorated the area, i didn’t learn that much DIYs hence i asked people to help me to craft on Deer Scare, Terrarium and Crescent Moon Chair through Discord :) for Kimono Stand, one of my ACNH friend allowed me to cataloging hers and for Outdoor Picnic Set, my irl and in game friend gave me this and for the rest i crafted it by myself. by the way, i do really love ACNH community, there is always people out there willing to help you :)

once we passed the entrance, we may go to the shops area where Able Sisters and Nook’s Cranny located. shopping is one of interesting activity i like to do whether in my own island or on another island :) so i prefer to put it close to each other for one-stop shopping feels :p

after we’ve done with shopping , we may move to Resident Service plaza as the central point we meet with the villagers. i like to watch they’re busy with their own activity like YOGA =)), chatty with each other, running around, and SINGING! OMG my villagers like to perform so so much hence we prepared dedicated area for their performance. we have mic stands for villagers to sing, acoustic guitar for villagers to play with, and the music player which plays in SHUFFLE so they can do MEDLEY :p i love it so much watching they perform solo and more when they collaborate with each other either sing together or one of them playing the guitar :) i can spends much time in the plaza just to simply watch them. lols

*forgot to take photo lols*

okk moving on. next to the plaza, we have flower garden and plant workspace area. i like to held the watering service on this area =)) i asked some help from to water my to-be-hybrid flowers :) again.. i need to say that i love ACNH community :D as you know that to breed a hybrid flowers is more effective with using some help at least 5 people to water our flowers :)

after the garden area, maybe we can talk about my villagers area. i don’t have specific category for the villagers living on which area. i just put it randomly lol. honestly, i’m not quite happy with my villagers area but i’m working on it! i’ll do more in the future for the area so that my villagers can enjoy more living on the island :)

on villagers area, i built a small cafe and laundry area. trying to make it looks like irl :p

then we have our museum! museum is one of my favorite place in the game. just because how the collection display :) more interestingly on insect section.. then fish section.. and fossil section. for art section, until today, i submitted three to five art collection so it looks like an empty function hall =))

the last main building will be the campsite (keep aside my home lol). i moved the campsite weeks back for better view and did some decoration outside the campsite to get that camping feeling lol. by the way, i finally gave up my 3 slot of used design space for the picnic gingham and it definitely worth it!

we’ve done with the main building then we can move with another additional area. i have some on the island and one of them is backyard. this is where i put the 6 stones and some stuff like.. sitting area =))

next to the backyard, i recreated secret zen garden from instagram post. this is fully the same with the post i found on instagram (i will try to put the link when i found it), but only the bath-towel color is different lol

below the backyard, we have the orchard for all fruits in game. it looks.. too simple lol i need to do something with the ground :p

then we have my favorite little spot on the island, mini lavender garden :) finally we have decent amount of purple hyacinth to make the mini garden :’) until now, i look at the garden, i feel like my life on the island completed =))

the last part of the island we’ll take a look is beach area. well.. not doing much to the beach area yet but on the upper left beach we have Astro Beach to put all the Celeste items related to astronomy, on the upper right beach we have Pottery Workshop to do some creativity lol, on the lower central beach we have seaside cafe and rest area, and somewhere in the middle we have little beach corner for doing some fun stuff =))

oh ya! forgot to mention the secret beach where Redd docked his boat to sell real/fake art once in two weeks :|


ok! i guess thats it! thanks for visiting Sorashima through this blog post =)) i hope that you could visit the island in real.. game play :p i will try to put all the design code and instagram post which inspires me to decorate or recreate! see ya on the next post :)

4 thoughts on “Animal Crossing: New Horizons | Island Tour | Sorashima

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  1. LOOOL haha, jadi terinspirasi mau bikin posting ginian juga kalau pulaunya udah beres semua, skrg mau ekspansi pembangunan pulau masih males, jd aja masih banyak area hutan

  2. ahhahaa ayok buat post animal crossing kaaak :D uda banyak juga tuh pulau yg skrg untuk di post :p

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